Campaign Issues

Why I’m Running


I believe in freedom.

I believe in the freedom to choose your child’s education.

I believe in the freedom to speak without being silenced or censored.

I believe in keeping politicians and bureaucrats in check through term limits and spending limits. 

I believe in this beautiful state and our legendary country.   

And I would be grateful for your vote on September 10th and November 5th.


Educational Reform
The idea of the public school as a brick and mortar institution is outdated, and our current schools do not allow meaningful choice for parents or individualized treatment for students.  The schools are mired down by bureaucratic inefficiency and powerful parties who wish to inject propaganda into the curriculum.  To combat this, we must imbue parents with the freedom to choose the best education for their child.  Let them choose the school, the curriculum, the method of education best suited for their child to which tax dollars will go.  And with that simple, basic choice, earnestly made for the benefit of a beloved child, New Hampshire will create the best of the best schools and the best public education system that can be found anywhere in this whole wide, wild world.   
Freedom of Online Speech
For many years, social media companies have been censoring people based on their political beliefs.  This is anathema to a free republic, since the free interchange of ideas is crucial for people to understand controversial ideas and to vent their frustrations in a peaceable, and ultimately productive manner.  Stifling our free speech will lead, and in fact, has led to radicalization and further division within American society.  So in response to this tyranny of the online thought police, I want to pass a law that states no New Hampshire resident may be censored, silenced, shadow banned, deplatformed, deamplified, or demonetized from the internet for their free expression.  
Freedom From Termination for Political Beliefs
Ever since “wokeness” has awoken, people have been increasingly fired from their jobs for their political beliefs.  To counter this malignant trend, I believe that people should not be terminated for expressed political beliefs nor should accusations or arrests be used as a tool to terminate a person from their job without an accompanying guilty verdict.  Large employers have been only too willing to bow to the malicious whims of the woke mob and force extrajudicial punishment upon those who either dare to speak, or who have been targeted with false accusations to destroy their reputation and their livelihood, thereby intimidating the rest of us into silence.  We must be free to speak and any attempt to intervene upon this basic freedom must be prejudicially terminated.     
Fighting Corruption in Congress
New Hampshire must answer the call to force spending limits and term limits upon Congress.  They have gone too far for too long and they won’t stop unless we make them stop.  They reign without oversight to their actions and have shown that they will not gracefully step aside when they are too old, too infirm, and too corrupt to do their duty.  It is therefore our duty to demand that they must.  And the clear path to doing so is through Article V of the US Constitution, and join the other state legislatures’ call for a convention.  
Term Limits for All
Corruption by intoxicating power is a constant danger to our elected officials, and the longer their exposure the greater the danger.  They are only human, and so many and most of them will succumb given enough time and pressure.  But we can help them to stay true to themselves and true in their duty to us, by placing term limits upon them, thereby allowing a new generation to help shoulder the burden of governance, and denying the ever present forces of evil to perch their fetid talons long in the flesh of their corrupted victims.  
Healthcare Freedom
The right to life and liberty implies the right to the choices that affect it, and the right to the sovereignty of your own body.  
Otherwise, your body becomes a vassal to the state, a vessel to someone else’s will, someone to whom lives are numbers and human faces merely the sense receptacles for the reception of orders.
But we are not automatons.  We are not a statistician’s plaything.  We are human beings.  
And our lives have a meaning of our choosing.  And where there is risk, there must be choice.  
And so I strongly oppose medical mandates and injections achieved through coercion by force, famine, or fiduciary pressures.  
Your healthcare decisions are between you, your God, and your doctor.  And the unwelcome imposition by others on those choices will be most strongly and rudely rebuffed.  
Medical Reform
American medicine is a racket.  It’s a rip-off.  It’s a joke, where you’re the set up and an exorbitant amount of money is the punchline.  Instead of finding the cheapest most economic way to treat someone afflicted by disease, we charge them the most.  We kick them when they are down.  That has been one of the most disheartening, disenchanting things I have had to learn.   But there are so many things we can do to improve the system from drug prices to medical education.  Here are some of them.  
  • NH can become a sanctuary state for those who want to import medications from abroad, until Big Pharma stops charging Americans 1000%, sometmes 10,000% mark-up from how much they sell their drugs to foreign countries. 
  • Stop abuse of physician residents (doctors in their final years of training) who are routinely fired for little to no reason and who can never work again.  
  • Introduce a Health Savings Account system for all New Hampshire residents so that costs are reduced and everyone can have the funds to afford expensive medical care. 
  • Tax breaks for people willing to achieve healthy lifestyle goals.  


On November 5, 2024, vote for Sean Rogers
for State Rep for Nashua’s Ward 1.

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